Warning sweet summer children this blog post is NOT for you. Typically, these blogs discuss clinically interesting medical conditions. Often these blogs contrast the current state of say HIV care, with the long winter decades …
No. 10 Another Stark dies, another paper linking low HIV reservoirs to high CD4/CD8 ratios
Hello GoTc blog readers! There is plenty of new papers and interesting angles on the CD4/CD8 ratio…but methinks I might be getting a little subtle and into the weeds so to speak. So, to be …
No. 9 Can a mutt sniff out badness about to happen in People Living with HIV?
Hello sweet summer children! Back in dark days of HIV, no one would have believed that a patient dying from HIV would have enough “fat” in their blood to have a heart attack. How things …
No. 8 How evil was Ramsey, or “Can HIV be eradicated?”
Welcome back sweet summer children! Sorry I have been away so long. I had planned to blog about the mysterious illness, Sarcoidosis, but at the last minute my plan was foiled. I need the …
No. 7 What does the CD4/CD8 ratio have to do with a true “cancer” on society, the Ironborn?
The Game of Thrones world, just like the real world, has some pretty horrible villains. The Iron born may not be the most fearsome or the Ultimate Boss (in Dungeons and Dragons terms), yet few …
No. 6 When your thymus involutes, is this the functional equivalent of the Doom of Valyria?
The Targaryens are a powerful, dominant house in the Game of Thrones (GoT) world. They ride dragons and conquered a whole continent. Yet 400 years before the start of the events in the TV show …
No. 5 Are two dragons enough, or are 3 needed to truly subdue HIV?
Rheagar Strange here, and as any follower of Thrones (show or book) knows there is an element of history repeating itself. The original Targaryen invasion was led not by Aegon the Conqueror riding a dragon …
No. 4 Pathogens summarizes T cell imbalance
Imbalance in the game of T cells: What can the CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio tell us about HIV and health? Joseph A. McBride, Rob Striker Introduction: Antiretroviral treatment (ART) has transformed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from …
No. 3 Old Naan’s scary October stories: Aging in the Game of T cells:
Old Naan here, guest blogging the October issue because I have the best scary stories. There are two types of scary stories. The in-your-face-slash and burn –shock story is one type. But there is also …
No. 2 Is the Berlin patient actually Jon Snow?
Sept GoTc blog Issue #2 Is the Berlin patient actually Jon Snow? In our September blog, we are confronting a popular fan theory. There are various versions of this theory but they all boil down …